Category Archives: Coming Attraction

Christmas Time!!!

The twelve days of Christmas have arrived. I know many people are already “done” with Christmas. The radio stations that begin playing Christmas music stop on December 25 and begin regular programming on December 26.

The truth is I am now ready to celebrate. Probably an “occupational” hazard, spending so much time creating worship experiences leading up to the birth of Jesus means that my focus is on others. I find it an honor and a privilege.

I love Christmas eve services. The singing of “Silent Night” and the lighting candles creates in me a sense of peace. I become centered in the moment and it is a holy moment.

For years my husband and I have had an open house on December 26 where we host my parishioners and other friends. We invite them to bring food to support a local food bank. An old tradition, Boxing Day was a time for those with “means” to give gifts of food, fuel and clothing to the poor.

The last two years Covid has changed that tradition. Instead we had a drive by event at the church and it was so wonderful to see all the food brought which will be shared with Open Door. I didn’t preach on December 26, but the Reverend Evelyn Fisher did and brought a powerful word. You can access both the Christmas Eve services and the December 26 here. You will find the services listed on the right hand side of the screen.

On this third day of Christmas, I am grateful for the gift of Emmanuel, God-with-us; family and friends and all the blessings offered during this season.

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Love: Seeing Beyond

The fourth candle of Advent brings us to the candle of Love. Traditionally Joseph’s Sunday, his story in Matthew is sparsely told, unlike Mary’s in Luke. No songs are sung, no visits between delighted family members, Joseph is alone to struggle with the gut wrenching news of his fiancee’s surprise pregnancy.

Joseph is challenged to look beyond what his eyes see and his standard understanding of life. Using two versions of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” I focused on seeing beyond and redemption with a heart that grows with new understanding. Cindy Lou Who, in the 2000 Jim Carrey version wants something different then the standard craziness that seems to swirl around her.

The clip I used, has her nominating the Grinch to be the annual “Cheermeister.” She sees beyond what others see and offers a different standard for who should be chosen. Like many who see beyond, she is patronized and mocked.

When the Grinch finds that his understanding of what Christmas is about….presents and boxes and food and stuff is NOT what Christmas is really about, his heart enlarges three sizes. Joseph heart enlarges when he sees beyond what everyone else sees and accepts Mary as part of God’s plan to love the world in a new way.

The fourth Sunday of Advent is the last Sunday before our “Coming Attraction” the celebration of the birth of Jesus. You can watch the whole service here.

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Advent 3: Choosing Joy

On the third Sunday of Advent, the pink candle is lit. In many denomination there is not a tradition an advent wreath and so have three purple or three dark blue and one pink candle is confusing. Why not four of the same color?

“Traditionally” Advent was a time of fasting and penitence, the same as Lent. Advent was a “little” Lent. Like the days before the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection, Advent invited believers to ponder their sins that lead up to the birth of Jesus. “Christ is born for this,” one carol states and another “Mild he lays his glory by, born that we no more may die.” (Good Christian Men Rejoice, Hark! the Herald Angels Sing)

While not as often do we light a pink candle in Lent, the tradition is there. The pink candle signals “Gaudete” Sunday, the Sunday of joy. The word means “rejoice” in latin. It was a break from the somberness of the season.

Mostly, in the twenty first century, we don’t treat Advent as a little Lent, but we have kept the pink candle and the Sunday of joy. Usually we read Mary’s “magnificat” or her song of praise from Luke 1.

In worship we watched a clip from “A Muppet’s Christmas Carol” and from the George C. Scott version of a Christmas Carol. We sang the Magnificat beginning with a soloist, then the choir and finally congregation joining. It was a joyous day. You can find the service here.

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Advent 2: Peace in the Midst of Division

We continued our Advent sermon series “Coming Attraction” lighting the second candle of Advent, the Advent of Peace. Our Movie was “Operation Christmas Drop.” It’s typical Rom-Com (romantic comedy.)

As with all rom-com’s the plot is thin, the character typical. You have one nose to the grindstone, typical workaholic who is suspicious of sentimentality, romance and emotion. The other is a happy go lucky, life is good, let’s make the world a better place kind of person. The movie is set on Anderson Air Force Base and explores the annual exercise that drops off needed supplies across Micronesia.

The movie is based on an actual event each year. Beginning in 1952, Operation Christmas Drop has expanded beyond the United Military and the people of Guam to include other allies; Australia and Japan for instance. For some in that region of the world, this is only supplies they receive each year making it one of the largest if not largest yearly humanitarian effort in the world. There are Youtube videos of the actual operation from different years. They are worth a watch.

I always think it is hard to talk about peace in a world so filled with violence and rage and hatred. I also think that as believers, peace is one of those things that we are called upon to embody. We work towards peace in our lives and in our communities. Peace is more than the absence of war or conflict. Peace is working together toward beating swords into plowshares or using military aircraft for dropping food and medicine and supplies rather bombs.

This Sunday was also the sacrament of Holy Communion. It was a good day to focus on peace and on our “Coming Attraction,” Jesus our Emmanuel. You can find the service in its entirety here.

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ADVENT 1: Hope in the Midst of Doubt

We started our new year with a new sermon series “Coming Attraction.” Based on Christmas movies we plan to look at how these movies point to our Advent journey and to those values that bring us closer to Christ. When we attend a movie in theatre we are teased with trailers that give us a glimpse of new movies to come in the future. While these coming attractions may or may not interest us in terms of genre, in the Christian tradition the season of Advent invites us to look forward to our “coming attraction,” Jesus our Christ.

The season is somewhat “unbalanced” as it asks us to look back to the birth of Jesus of Nazareth in Bethlehem AND to look forward to the coming of Christ in the future. The promise is steeped in the prophecies of justice and righteousness and the reign of God on earth. I think we long for that time as much now as we ever have. When will hunger and bigotry and hatred cease to exist on earth? When will equality and justice be the norm?

This year, unlike 2020, we have more activities and ways to connect in person. We continue to offer online devotions through our Facebook page, Advent activities and Fellowship opportunities. This year we continue using the Reverse Advent Calendar to collect food to help restock United Methodist Open Door’s food pantry.

You can check out all our offerings and activities through our website.

The first candle of Advent is the candle of hope. The movie we used has both an old and new version. “The Miracle on 34th Street” offers hope in midst of cynicism and doubt. A clip from both the 1994 version and the 1947 version offered different insights. You can find the Downtown Alive service in its entirety on our website.

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