Vacation for the Soul: Celebration

We finished up our sermon series, “Vacation for the Soul,” yesterday. For me, it has been good to focus on classic or traditional spiritual traditions or prayer practices. Some I have engaged in more fully than others, some have been a stretch for me, but all have deepened my spiritual life.

In worship yesterday, we focused on the final spiritual discipline in Richard Foster’s book, Celebration of Discipline. “Celebration” is the last practice or discipline he writes about, and it is fitting because he says, “is an act of will and is at the heart of the way of Christ.”

In a nutshell, what he means is that celebration is not just about a party for some high point in our lives. Celebration is finding joy in our path with Christ and that joy remains with us no matter what occurs in our life. In the words of one of our Vacation Bible School songs: “in a world ever changing, there are times we when feel alone. But in this world God is with us, He’s in our lives wherever we go.” Celebration has that understanding at the root of our spiritual lives.

In worship we showed a short video from VBS and had some wonderful music. You can find the whole worship service here.  Beginning next week I start a new sermon series, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor.” I am really looking forward to that.

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